Variable Data Printing or VDP

Variable data printing or VDP allows you to boost the effectiveness of your printed output by allowing for elements such as text, graphics, and images to be changed dynamically from one printed piece to the next using information from a database.

Torpedo VDP applications go far beyond just laser-personalized letters, postcards, invoices and customer statements. We customize a variety of marketing products to align with the needs, interests, and preferences of individual customers, employees, or members.

For example, if through client intel, your customer’s favourite colour is blue.  When printing or producing a digital marketing piece, you can present your product in blue to that specific customer.  Or if your customer prefers a winter vacation, and you’re a travel company, your marketing to that customer can include winter images rather than summer images.

VDP also allows letters to be variable personalized to the recipient based on their interests, demographics or lifestyle. If you represent specific causes or solutions, variable paragraphs can be included that speak to your client better than a generic letter, and in doing so may produce better results.

Variable print can also be used in appeal campaigns where asks can vary based on previous donation amounts, higher value customers or lapsed customers.  Different messages and different asks can all be data driven and variable printed.

With Torpedo’s technology, variable data printing can be done in colour or black only, on various formats of substrates, various sizes and as letters or booklets. 

Have a variable data campaign in mind?  Contact Torpedo Marketing to learn more and plan your next campaign.

Torpedo Marketing is a Canada Post Smartmail Marketing Expert Partner